Be The Little Kid That Wants The Moon

I was talking to a friend last night that is very successful and i told him in our conversation Rob you are like a little boy. He let me know that was such a great compliment.
Then he quoted Steinbeck.
..."You are a little boy. You want the moon to drink from as a golden cup; and so, it is very likely that you will become a great man -- if only you remain a little child. All the world's great have been little boys who wanted the moon; running and climbing, they sometimes catch a firefly. But if one grow to a man's mind, that mind must see that it cannot have the moon and would not want it if it could -- and so, it catches no fireflies.' [Merlin]
John Steinbeck, Cup of Gold: A Life of Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer, with Occasional Reference to History
"He has come to be the great man he thought he wanted to be. If this is true, then he is not a man. He is still a little boy and wants the moon." - Author: John Steinbeck
This has such great wisdom. When we are young we feel their is nothing we cannot acheive. We look at the moon and feel like we can touch it. It is when people start telling us we are dreamers, come back to earth be realistic that are reality changes. We must learn to capture that child like faith and be that little girl or little boy again and believe nothing is outside our reach.

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