How to Start a Personal Development Journey That Will Lead You to Your Dreams


What is the one personality trait that you have that gets in the way of you doing what you want to do in life?

If you think it is impossible to change that characteristic, I am sorry to tell you that your personal development journey to realize your dreams will never start. You might as well forget about your own dreams and go join the crowd of people living life according to someone else’s dream. Is this what you want for yourself? I bet the answer is HELL NO!!!!! So, what are you going to do about it?

“But!” I can hear some of you say, “I can’t just change who I am. I can’t become more intelligent, or more creative, or more outgoing like some people!”

I would not be very convincing if I just told you, “yes, you can!” because I know your personality type would not buy that kind of positivist hype.

But I will say there are two types of people in life:

There are those who believe that change is possible, and those who think that everything is fixed; that the game is rigged; the dice rolled, and we are what we are, forever.

Only the first type can start down the path of self-transformation.


Personal Development starts with a tiny spec of hope, let loose.

Your unwanted personality trait is your enemy, and hope is a sword. With enough hope, you can slash your enemy dead, in time.

So, the first step to start believing change is possible is to conceive of hope, one hit at a time.

But hope does not spring out of your butt and form a rainbow slide leading to your dreams. Hope is birthed when it is allowed out, when we stop telling ourselves the lie that ‘we are what we are’ and proceed to act on those lies.

It means to stop repeating to yourself, “I’m not creative” I am not Social, I AM NOT Enough, and then avoid ever doing anything outside of your comfort zone.  This is action or inaction based on fear and a lie that we convince ourselves is true because we are constantly proving to ourselves it is true. It is rotten thinking and rotten living.

The way out is to take risks. To stop caring for once what other people think and to take a chance, to allow yourself to failNOBODY has ever been tremendously successful without FAILURES!!!!!

You let loose that tiny piece of hope, you take a shot, and you will either make a hit or you’ll run for cover again, but the thing is you stood up to your enemy! You learned new combat skills, you got in some practice! You went outside your comfort zone, you took a chance and you lived thru it and now more confident because of it.

Every time you take a risk and do something contrary to what you believe yourself to be capable of, you build hope.

You build up your personal power!

Wage war on yourself again, and again, and again if you want to live your dream.

Identify not just the big enemy within yourself that stops you from doing what you want in life, but all the other negative people and things in your life. Take them down, one by one. Work on yourself. Successful people surround themselves with successful people. Choose to be around people and things that build you up.

In chasing my dreams, I learned that along the way I had no clue what kind of person I would have to become to realize those dreams.  The storms and the struggles that would try and steer me off my path. The personal relationships that I would have to put behind me, because they were toxic and not productive to my journey.

Think about the kind of person you will need to become to live the life of your dreams. Write down all the personality traits, habits, and fears that you will need to defeat to get there and start making little changes each day to face them. Build a network of influencers that will help you realize your self-worth and give you a hand up when the hole seems to deep to climb out of.

Do not accept your enemy as a permanent part of yourself when you know it is standing in the way of what you want out of life!


You have got this!!! You are AMAZING!! Do you want it?? Go get it, and do not look back. The past cannot be changed, the present is ALL we can change, and the future w can dream of and work toward. Have FAITH in your FUTURE, but also remember faith without action is dead. 



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